Monday, April 13, 2009

What is Easter to You?

Before I met my husband I was a single mom. Every year for Easter I would buy a basket and fill it with candy for Gaige and set it on the table for him to wake up and find.

Before Bret and I got married, he was a single dad. He has his Easter basket from when he was a child. He and Josh would put their basket out (the same basket that they keep year to year) and the Easter bunny would fill it with candy and toys and hide it. They would wake up and hunt down their baskets.

So when we got married and started having kids that is what we did. Everyone got their own basket and every year we put it out for the bunny to fill it and hide it.

That's all. No fancy dinner with family, although we did invite the inlaws out to Easter brunch at the Golden Corral once. The neighborhood puts on an Easter egg hunt for the community, which my kids insist on going to year after year, even though they usually don't get more than one egg, and Brenda got 0 eggs two years in a row.

When we were at the mall last week, Brenda couldn't resist pointing out that the Easter bunny was there taking pictures. So we DID get a $16.99 5x7 of Brenda and Marley with the Easter Bunny this year. Do you note my sarcasm with this one? Do you, really?

We did go to church this year for Easter. We haven't ever done that, or so I can remember. There were so many Easter formalities that I think they forgot to be properly inspiring. And since the big church fiasco where I picked the church I wanted to attend even though Bret didn't feel like it was a real church that followed HIS beliefs (and he doesn't go to church mind you), I really go to be inspired instead of going to instill beliefs in my kids. On a side note, this seems to work. The girls enjoy going. I don't know how much they really get out of it, but they enjoy going to church, and that is all that is important to me. Gaige the atheist chooses to stay home.

Brenda and Bret got a late invitation from a friend to hang out at her house where her mom put on an Easter Egg hunt. That was fun for them I am sure.

Gaige woke up at 2ish found his basket and hid back in his room with his friend for the rest of the day.

Then I texted Josh, who has recently moved out, to tell him I wasn't going to eat my Chocolate Easter Bunny and he could come over and claim it. I would hold it for him. He liked the idea.

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