We headed for the pool with friends as soon as the parade and ceremony were over yesterday. My 3 year old, Marley, jumped off the diving board and swam back to the side a bunch of times!!! Is there nothing that girl can't do?? Certainly she can climb over any mountain to get anything she wants that she has been told not to get. Sigh.
We are so glad the pool is back opened again. Even if it is just for the weekends for now.
Here are Brenda and Bret at their dance recital this year. My husband chipped in some time to set up his equipment and do the sound. What a difference quality sound makes. The school sound board is so old it must have come with the school;( But anyway it was great to see him volunteering his time to help the girls out. They were excited to have him there. He doesn't get to be involved with their activities very often so I know it meant a lot.
I haven't done this in a while because that other quote was so great. But we probably need some new inspiration. Here it is, I will post it later on the right side...
We don't live in a world of reality, we live in a world of perceptions. Gerald J. Simmons
For the next month orange will be the color. Here are some great orange backdrops for your computer that are orange. Don't want to have orange on your computer? Other ideas... put out an orange candle. Wear orange socks for fun. Put your fav quote on an orange piece of paper and magnate it to your fridge to hold that thought. Think orange. See if the color makes a difference in your life.